Energy efficiency in buildings is measured by adding the total energy consumed during a year under normal conditions in ventilation, heating, water, lighting. Energy savings in companies, in addition to making them more respectful of the environment, favor their growth.

Energy Saving Systems for Companies & Public Buildings With High Ceilings

For industrial warehouses or buildings with high ceilings already heated, energy savings can be made in air conditioning and heating by modifying the setpoint temperature. Each higher degree in summer or lower in winter represents an 8% energy saving.

During the winter months

the air temperature increases by 0.5 to 1ºC per meter of height, which causes a waste of the heat generated.

During the summer months

the interior temperature of certain buildings rises and, together with the stagnant air, causes the thermal sensation to be unpleasant.

University in Liverpool
HT Lyon in Summer
Annual Valencia Airport

In addition, Magnovent gas radiant heating systems heat only the necessary areas, achieving energy savings of up to 60%, and solar heating systems use free energy from the sun to improve comfort and save on heating.

Effective Temperature

According to the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) effective temperature diagram, we obtain the following examples: – In dry environments, with an interior temperature of the building of 27ºC and an air movement of 2.5m/s, the thermal sensation is of 21°C. – In humid environments, with an interior temperature of the building of 28ºC and an air movement at 1m/s, the thermal sensation is 25ºC. In conclusion, the air movement allows to readjust the air conditioning systems and therefore achieve energy savings in summer.